2022-09-06 10:52Blog post

In the hands of an IT consultant

Two while men sitting in an office lounge area, discussing. Evolving your business? Time to bring in a consultant!

Your organization is at the start of an exciting project, maybe you need cutting-edge digital expertise to move forward? Time to bring in a consultant!

Bring him/her on!

With the right IT consultant at the right place, you can add the skills your business lacks when they need it for as long as you need it. It fills the gap, so to speak. Someone who has experience, who has done the same thing many times before but also is up to date with the latest skills available in the market is a true asset. Bringing on consulting help can indeed be a cost-effective way to grow your business.  

White young male in front of computer screen programming

3 important things

Here are four important things to consider when choosing the right IT consultant for your business:

• Same same, but different - The consultant should be valued as highly as any other employee and should be treated as one. Including them in the day-to-day activities in the company helps them feel right at home, even if he/she is there only for a specific assignment and a limited time. 

• Move in the same direction - In order to make the most of the time the consultant has in your organization, it's important to be clear about goals and expectations and at the same time provide the right conditions. So make sure you have talked through all aspects of the project beforehand, so that both parties are moving in the same direction.

• Use a consulting company - If you know what you and your organization need, but don't know exactly how to choose your consultant - don't bring in the consultant yourself, but buy the service! The consulting company is guaranteed to have a larger and better network, and a good consulting company is responsive and listens to your wishes and specifications. They will see your present and also upcoming needs for that specific project, and assign a proper consultant that will get the job done. 

No "one-size-fits-all"-solutions

When looking for a good consultant company you want a firm that doesn't deliver "one-size-fits-all"-solutions. You want to find the best possible solution for your business, a solution that is going to be customized to you and your needs, and one that is able to evolve with you as you grow. Make sure that what you want is what you get!

About ProVide Server

ProVide Server combines a user-friendly web interface for user collaboration with powerful SFTP, FTPS and TFTP services. It allows all of your file transfers take place on your own private cloud, completely secure from the outside world.